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CEEPS has launched a new disinformation monitoring project

Since December 2019, the project “Disinformation Campaigns against Latvia, the EU and NATO: Exploring Narratives” has been launched at the Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS). The project is supported by the International Republican Institute (IRI). The Internet media is routinely scanned using “Versus”, a media monitoring tool developed by IRI. At the end […]

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020!

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At Lāčplēsis Day, Chairman of CEEPS urges to never stop guarding the freedom of Latvia

Since the restoration of Latvia’s independence, national security and defense have not been automatically guaranteed for hundreds of years ahead, so it is important to always be vigilant about our country, emphasized Dr.hist. Ainārs Lerhis, Chairman of the Board of the Centre for Eastern European Policy Studies, speaking at the Lāčplēsis Day torch parade in […]

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The Chairman of the Board of CEEPS speaks at a conference dedicated to the Centenary of the Latvian Foreign Service

Latvia’s representatives gained their first diplomatic experience in extremely difficult circumstances – at the end of the First World War, along with the struggle for the proclamation of the State – emphasized Ainārs Lerhis, Chairman of the Board of the Centre for East European Policy Studies,  at a conference organized on Friday, October 25 in […]

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CEEPS exposes the topics and methods of Russian disinformation in Latvia

It has been two and a half years since one of the leading news portāls in Latvia publishes a series of articles created by the Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS) “Russian Disinformation – The Case of Latvia”. Since the summer of the Year 2017, articles, which are published monthly, have become readers’ […]

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The chairman of the CEEPS board meets representatives of the Russian opposition

On October 8, Ainars Lerhis, Chairman of the Board of the Center for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS), attended a meeting with representatives of the Russian opposition. During the meeting, topics related to recent municipal elections were discussed, with a particular focus on the obstacles that exist, non-systemic opposition candidates to apply for election. Representatives […]

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Researchers discuss Latvia’s relations with Russia, Belarus and Poland

On September 12, Dominik Wilczewski an analyst at the Instytut Europy Środkowej, was visiting the Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS) to discuss issues related to Latvia’s foreign policy, including relations with Russia, Belarus and Poland, with Ainārs Lerhis, Chairman of the board at CEEPS. The meeting was initiated by a Polish colleague. Since his previous publications have […]

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CEEPS has launched an analytical overview of Russia’s influence through Latgale municipalities

Despite the complicated relationship between Russia, on the one hand, and Latvia and other Western countries, on the other hand, Daugavpils and Rezekne municipalities (two of the largest cities in Latvia, located in the eastern part of the country) continue to expand their cooperation with Russia and engage in initiatives of Russian interest, concludes a […]

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Executive Director of CEEPS participates in European expert discussion on Russian hybrid threats

On 6 and 7 February, Andis Kudors, the Executive Director of the Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS), took part in a European expert discussion in Madrid, organized by the The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats. Speaking at the event, A. Kudors pointed out that there has been a tendency for […]