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At a Discussion, Experts Indicate That Russia Impacts Latvian Society and National Security through the Mass Media

Russia exerts a negative influence over Latvia’s society through the mass media, deepening split, hampering the society integration processes and thereby posing threats to national security – such opinion was repeatedly accentuated at the public discussion “Mass Media’s Impact on Public Opinion, National Security and National Identity”. The discussion was held on May 10 in […]

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At the Chicago Conference, the CEEPS’s Executive Director Is Going to Characterize the United States’ and Russia’s Cultural Impact on Latvia

On April 26, Andis Kudors, Executive director of the Centre For East European Policy Studies, will present his lecture Latvia between Two Gravity Centres of Soft Power – the US and Russia, characterizing the US’s and Russia’s cultural impact upon social and political processes in Latvia, at the conference The Global Baltics: The Next Twenty […]

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Presentation of the CEEPS’s Research Took Place at the US Centre for Strategic and International Studies

The research  „Latvia and the United States: a New Chapter in the Partnership” was presented by Andrejs Pildegovics, Latvian Ambassador to the United States, and Andis Kudors, Executive director of the Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS). Heather Conley, Director of Europe Program at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, presided over the […]

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CEEPS Presents Its New Research on the Latvia – US Relationship

On April 23, the book „Latvia and the United States: a New Chapter in the Partnership” was simultaneously presented both in Latvia and the US. Its authors highlight, as especially positive process, the so far successful cooperation between the US and Latvia in security sphere, though stressing that there still exist unused possibilities in the […]

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A.Kudors Explains the Negative Impact of Russian Foreign Policy on Integration Process in Latvia

On April 20, the Executive director of Centre for East European Policy Studies Andis Kudors participated in the Baltic Symposium in London with his presentation in the thematic section on the Baltic countries’ security issues. In his address Securitization of culture: Russian foreign policy toward Latvia, he explained how Russia, using the pretext of protection […]

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A Discussion between Experts and Russian Opposition Members Has Been Held

A roundtable experts’ discussion, organized by Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS), was held on February 16 in the premises of Riga Stock Exchange. During it, Latvian political scientists and Russia experts met Russian opposition members and human rights activists – Valeriya Novodvorskaya, the dissident and founder of the party “Democratic Union”, and entrepreneur […]

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CEEPS Wish a Happy New Year!

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New CEEPS’ Research Is about to Be Complete

Second workshop within the research project “Russian and Belorussian Economical Presence in the Baltic States: Risks and Opportunities” was held this September 19 in Riga. The project participants – researchers from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Russia – exchanged their opinions on interim conclusions in their sections. The research scientific editor Andris Spruds chaired a discussion […]

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The New Research of CEEPS Is Joined by Experts from Estonia and Lithuania

The second work seminar of this June 2 assembled the authors of the joint project – research “Baltic Countries’ Economic Relations with Russia and Belarus: Risks and Opportunities” conducted by CEEPS and Latvian Foreign Policy Institute. This time Latvian researchers were joined also by their colleagues from Lithuania and Estonia. The emerging research authors informed […]