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No change in the Eastern borderlands

Armands Astukevičs, Researcher at the Centre for East European policy studies The Centre for East European Policy Studies continues to analyse current trends in Belarus, information activities, their impact and disinformation campaigns in which the regime of dictator Alexander Lukashenko continues to actively target its neighbours in the West. Distortion of facts and events regularly serves […]

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Lithuanian drones in Minsk, fake experts and violence on the Eastern border

Armands Astukevičs, Researcher at the Centre for East European policy studies Belarus continues to actively target its Western neighbours through informational influence and disinformation campaigns. While the classic theme is the hybrid migration operation on the Belarus’s border with EU member states, in recent months the military threat dimension has been increasingly emphasised in Belarus’s false […]

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Lukashenko’s regime complicity in war crimes – child deportations from Ukraine

Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin (Source: Press Service of the President of the Republic of Belarus) Text PDF: Deportations of Ukrainian children Authors: Juris Jurāns, Armands Astukevičs In a significant development that gained widespread attention in March of this year, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, the […]

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When will Putin get tired of paying for Lukashenko’s madness? 4th VIDEOcomment

The only one who needs Lukashenko to some extent is Putin. However, it seems that the Russian president, by supporting the dictator, which is no longer supported by the majority of the society, will not improve Lukashenko’s image, but rather damage his own. Therefore, it is possible that the current direction of support may change, […]

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Blood pours on the asphalt, but Lukashenko is waiting for winter/3rd VIDEOcomment

One of the best surgeons in Belarus, Miss Belarus 2008, several TV presenters, the winner of the Olympic Games in decathlon, world champions in several sports, got into the cars of the police. Several of the most recognized teachers in the country have been arrested. In the second wave of the virus pandemic, 60 doctors […]

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What is Lukashenko’s tactic for maintaining power? 2nd VIDEO comment

Lukashenko’s strategy today is simple: to hold power for as long as possible at all costs. It is implemented in various tactical steps. Among other things, Lukashenko is trying to gather supporters and arm them, at the same time splitting up the protesters as if it was an insignificant, external force-driven group, as well as […]

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How the Belarusians stopped being shy and “fired” Lukashenko/1st VIDEO comment

Due to the stress caused by the virus pandemic and the unrealized help of the government, the Belarusians managed to recover from the apparent “helplessness syndrome”. Civil society at all levels has become more active. How Belarusians stopped being shy and “fired” Lukashenko, how they was able to raise more than a million euros in […]

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2nd podcast episode: Is the future of Belarus in Russia’s hands?

What scenarios for Belarus could be in Russia’s “weapons arsenal”, how much resources would Putin be ready to spend in support of Lukashenko? And finally, could Russia decide on such a radical step as the takeover of Belarus by force? In the 2nd episode of video podcast “Foreign Policy. Russia. Commentaries.” by the Centre for […]