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Researchers Indicate That New Political Challenges Can Be Managed Only By Cooperation

Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has forced the European Union to reconsider its policy in relations with Russia and its neighbouring countries. Political, economic and security problems, faced by the EU Member States due to Russia’ aggression, cannot be managed by each country separately. While participating in the presentation of the collection of articles “The War […]

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Presentation of the collection of articles “The War in Ukraine: Lessons for Europe”

The new collection of articles “The War in Ukraine: Lessons for Europe”, publicized by the Centre for East European Policy Studies was presented on May 15, 2015. The group of authors of the book includes researchers from Latvia, the United Kingdom, Finland, Ukraine and Russia.

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Eastern Partnership Civil society conference in Riga to feature high-level politicians and well-known experts

On 20-21 May, the European Union’s Eastern Partnership (EaP) Civil Society Conference will be held in Riga and attended by several hundreds of civil society representatives and experts from  EU Member States and EaP countries. High-level politicians and well-known experts from Latvia and other EU Member States as well as EaP countries will hold speeches […]

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CEEPS Will Present a Book on New Reality in European Union’s Security, Economic and Political Spheres after the Annexation of Crimea

Do the Western sanctions have significant impact on Russian economics; what changes are necessary in the EU Common Security and Defence Policy; how the EU should respond to the idea of “new world order” offered by Russia; how should the Baltic countries react adequately to the Russian media and compatriots policy? Answers to these and […]

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Experts Indicate That History Has Become the Element of Hybrid War

Victory in the World War II can exonerate no one who has perpetrated war crimes or crimes against humanity. Any totalitarian regime is condemnable, and the status of victor in the war cannot protect from responsibility for the committed crimes. They have no prescription. Besides, the launched by Russia war propaganda causes split in Latvia’s […]

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Future of EU Eastern Partnership to be discussed at Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference in Riga

On 20-21 May, the European Union’s Eastern Partnership (EaP) Civil Society Conference will be held in Riga and attended by over 300 civil society representatives and experts from the EU Member States and EaP countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. During the conference, recommendations will be drawn up for the EU institutions […]

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Experts’ Discussion Will Be Held on Politicizing of May 9 and Its Use in Propaganda

On May 7, at 11.00, experts’ discussion “May 9 – History, Politics, Propaganda? Why Is History Also the Present Time?” will be held in Latvian War Museum. The event is planned as an international and interdisciplinary discussion of experts with the aim to explain why the significance of May 9 in Russia and the Baltic […]

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Greetings from CEEPS!

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Russian Public Diplomacy in Latvia Increases Tension, not Favours Good Relationship

The latest research work “Russian Public Diplomacy in Latvia: the Mass Media and Non-Governmental Sector”, presented today by the Centre for East European Policy Studies, concludes that nearly all instruments of Russian public diplomacy lead to confrontation in domestic or foreign policy. The research paper includes analysis of the concept of public diplomacy, its development, […]