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The New Book on the Impact of the War in Syria on the Western Countries Will Be Presented

On October 29, from 13.45 till 14.50, presentation of the collection of articles “The War in Syria: Lessons for the West”, issued by the Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS) will be held in the National Library of Latvia within Riga Conference. Is the European Union and US involvement compatible to the challenges that […]

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CEEPS recommends a new report about info war and Russian propaganda

The Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS) recommends to acquaint yourself with the report, recently issued by the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) – “Winning the Information War: Techniques and Counter-Strategies in Russian Propaganda”. This report is produced under the auspices of the Center for European Policy Analysis’ (CEPA) Information Warfare Initiative. Co-authored […]

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Russia’s Manipulative Instruments in the New Book of A.Grigas

The Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS) recommends to acquaint yourself with the recently by Yale University Press issued book „Beyond Crimea. The New Russian Empire” whose author is Agnia Grigas, researcher at the Atlantic Council. While characterizing the new book, Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves has indicated: “A compelling analysis of the drivers […]

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Ukrainian experts: NGOs and the Media Prepare Ground for War

Prior to an aggressor country’s attack, the foundation is laid by NGOs and the media, working on political messages. The way for war is paved by spreading the aggressor country’s opinion and position. Thereby, in order to oppose that, it is necessary to set up an institution to perform evaluation of journalists’ activities. War can […]

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Seminar „The Role of NGOs and Media in Hybrid Warfare. Ukrainian Experience Two Years after Russian Invasion”

Seminar „The Role of NGOs and Media in Hybrid Warfare. Ukrainian Experience Two Years after Russ their narration about the hybrid threats and attacks faced by their country as the result of Russia’s aggression and explained the significance of the impact of the media and NGOs and the process how the media and NGOs become a […]

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CEEPS’s Executive Director in Vienna Speaks on Restriction of Russia’s influence

On April 29, Andis Kudors, Executive Director of the Centre for East European Policy Studies, participated in the seminar in Vienna, organized by International Republican institute. Speaking at the event, Andis Kudors outlined the legal, political, and security measures that can be used against Russia’s influence. This was the secound seminar, organized within framework of […]

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A Seminar on the Role of NGOs and the Media in Hybrid War Will be Held

Seminar „The Role of NGOs and Media in Hybrid Warfare. Ukrainian Experience Two Years after Russian Invasion” will be held on May 6 in the Glass Hall of the Hotel Bergs. The event is organized by the Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS). Experts from Ukraine will present to the audience their narration about […]

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CEEPS Research Indicates:In Order to Maintain the Power,Official Russia Lies and Intimidates

Kremlin has tried to launch its regional globalization project, whose political and economic shape develops in the form of Eurasian Economic Union, and ideological one – as the coloured in Orthodoxy shading “Russian World”. Thereby, Russia is constructed as virtually ideological multi-dimensional fortress, whose walls are built in people’s hearts and minds. Such conclusions have […]

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Presentation of the collection of articles “Fortress Russia: Political, Economic, and Security Development in Russia Following the Annexation of Crimea and its Consequences for the Baltic States”

The presentation of the collection of articles “Fortress Russia: Political, Economic, and Security Development in Russia Following the Annexation of Crimea and its Consequences for the Baltic States” was held on February 25, 2016. This collection of articles deals with political and economic processes in Russia from the annexation of Crimea until late 2015. The book […]