Andis Kudors

Andis Kudors is an Adjunct Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Latvia. He has  been the Executive Director and Researcher of the Centre for East European Policy Studies (APPC) from  2006 to 2019. A. Kudors graduated from the Institute of International Affairs of the University of Latvia in  1996, where he studied international economics and international law. Between 2005 and 2011, A. Kudors  studied at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Latvia, where he obtained a bachelor’s degree  and then a master’s degree in political science. Currently, he continues to work on his doctoral thesis at the  Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Latvia. Kudors is the author and editor of several publications  devoted to the analysis of Russian foreign policy. 2014-2015 g. Kudors, as a scholarship holder of the US Fulbright program, conducted research work at the Kennan Institute in Washington DC, US. In 2021,  President of Republic of Latvia Egils Levits appointed Andis Kudors as Commander of the Cross of  Recognition for merits in the research and popularization of security politics. Thanks to the scholarship of  the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation (BAFF), Kudors spent one year as a Visiting Researcher at the  Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University (Washington DC, US) in 2021-2022.

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Author's publications

3rd podcast episode: Does Russia’s economy have a hope of modernization under Putin?

Why does Putin’s system prevent the sustainable development of the Russian economy? How can Russian capital become toxic? Why are the countries that Russia keeps under its influence unable to develop? In the 3rd episode of video podcast by the Center for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS) “FOREIGN POLICY. RUSSIA. COMMENTARIES. ” the economist JĀNIS […]