Mārcis Balodis

Has BA and MA degrees in International Relations from Riga Stradins University. Previously worked in Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia as coordinator of applied research activities on domestic and international level. Main research focus includes analysis of Latvia-Russia relations, as well as the impact of hybrid warfare and disinformation activities on political processes.

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Author's publications

Russia’s historical sovereignty or the role of history in contemporary Russia

Mārcis Balodis, Researcher at the Centre for East European policy studies This year marks the 79th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, which means that once again attention will be paid to how the Second World War began, unfolded, ended, and what its long-term consequences were. While the dominant Western narrative is […]

Putin’s bluntness, or do not overestimate the rhetoric of Russian officials

Authors – CEEPS researchers: Armands Astukevičs, Mārcis Balodis Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent quote about Latvia’s ugly attitude towards its Russian-speaking population gained wide resonance in social media, and some social media users treated it almost as a war threat. This is a moment of truth when we can look back at the rhetoric of Russian […]

Why Latvia will Continue to be Called a “Second Speed Country”

Kristīne Skujiņa-Trokša, Associate researcher, Centre for East European Policy Studies Mārcis Balodis, Researcher, Centre for East European Policy Studies Like other Russia’s neighbors, Latvian public and the political elite have been serving as a target and audience for a number of years for the flow of information which is Kremlin-friendly but detrimental to Latvia’s democracy, disregarding […]

2nd podcast episode: Is the future of Belarus in Russia’s hands?

What scenarios for Belarus could be in Russia’s “weapons arsenal”, how much resources would Putin be ready to spend in support of Lukashenko? And finally, could Russia decide on such a radical step as the takeover of Belarus by force? In the 2nd episode of video podcast “Foreign Policy. Russia. Commentaries.” by the Centre for […]

Disinformers call Latvia the story of the failure of Covid-19. Is that really the case?

Mārcis Balodis, Researcher, Centre for East European Policy Studies The global COVID-19 pandemic has posed significant challenges, forcing nation states to seek the best solutions to reconcile epidemiological risks with civil liberties and economic risks. At the same time, a pandemic is an attractive tool in the hands of disinformers, allowing the use of previously known tags […]

Why is Latvia called a failed state?

Mārcis Balodis, Researcher, Centre for East European Policy Studies At a time when the world is in a pandemic, geopolitical interests have not lost their relevance. Given the role of revanchism in the actions of today’s Russian elite, Russia’s opportunistic disinformation campaigns are in full swing. One of the most popular topics is the narrative […]

History in Russia’s Arms Arsenal

Mārcis Balodis, researcher, the Centre for East European Policy Studies The events of the Second World War play a very important role in shaping the identity of modern Russia. They mark the victory of Russia’s predecessor, the Soviet Union, over fascism, even experiencing the arrival of fascist troops in the outskirts of Moscow, thus proving […]

COVID-19 and Russia – no Change on the Eastern Front?

Mārcis Balodis, Researcher, Centre for East European Policy Studies – Russia has launched an active disinformation campaign aimed at creating confusion and chaos about what is happening in order to divide society and to polish Russia’s image. – At the international level, the pro-Russian media tends to discredit the West as a whole, blaming them […]