Dr.hist. (Ph. D.; 2002).Graduated from Faculty of History and Philosophy at the University of Latvia (Riga), historian. Leading researcher in Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia, and chairman of the Board at the Centre for East European Political Studies (Riga). He has worked in Archive of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Latvia, and as assistant professor and director of study programme „International Relations – European Studies” in Department of Political Science of Faculty of European Studies at Riga Stradins University. He has delivered lectures in Training Centre of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Now he delivers a study course of history of diplomacy in Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Latvia. His scientific interests: problems of international relations, history of foreign policy of Latvia (history of diplomatic and consular service of the Republic of Latvia, the „Baltic Question” in international relations as well as problems of history of Latvian foreign trade). Author of scientific monography “Foreign Service of the Republic of Latvia. 1918–1941” (in Latvian, 2005), co-author of six books, author of more than 30 scientific articles and many popular-science articles
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