The Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS) is a non-governmental organisation, which began its research activities in 2006. The main goal of the centre is to contribute to the advancement of the Latvian foreign policy by building-up the expertise on Russia’s development and its different foreign policy expressions in the neighbourhood.
Up to now, the CEEPS researchers have concentrated on Russia’s regional foreign policy, its relationship to the Baltic States and the European Union in general, studying particularly Russia’s soft power, compatriots and media policy, public diplomacy and other tools of direct or indirect influence. Besides that, the CEEPS researchers analyse the history politicization and ideological issues in Russia. In order to take stock of the international experience and to promote an active exchange of opinions the centre cooperates with research institutions in Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine and other countries. CEEPS organises various local and international seminars and discussions to raise awareness of the Latvian and Western public about the daily challenges, presented by the enacted Russian policies. The experts of the Centre for East European Policy Studies regularly express their opinions in the media and make presentations at various conferences, seminars, discussions and other events both in Latvia and abroad.
The CEEPS projects are financially supported by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Society Integration Foundation of Latvia, The Black Sea Trust, a Project of the US German Marshall Fund, the World Association of Free Latvians, Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Latvia, Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence, the European People’s Party.

Has BA and MA degrees in International relations both done in Riga Stradins University. Currently he is a studying for his PhD in Political science in the same university. Has worked in Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, Latvian Transatlantic organisation specifically participating in organising “The Rīga Conference”. Currently Maris is a part time lecturer in Riga Stradiņš University. Main research focus includes the influence of foreign policy discourses on decision-making and political processes, relations between Latvia and Russia as well as evolution of diplomacy and relations in East Asia.

Dr.hist. (Ph. D.; 2002).Graduated from Faculty of History and Philosophy at the University of Latvia (Riga), historian. Leading researcher in Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia, and chairman of the Board at the Centre for East European Political Studies (Riga). He has worked in Archive of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Latvia, and as assistant professor and director of study programme „International Relations – European Studies” in Department of Political Science of Faculty of European Studies at Riga Stradins University. He has delivered lectures in Training Centre of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Now he delivers a study course of history of diplomacy in Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Latvia. His scientific interests: problems of international relations, history of foreign policy of Latvia (history of diplomatic and consular service of the Republic of Latvia, the „Baltic Question” in international relations as well as problems of history of Latvian foreign trade). Author of scientific monography “Foreign Service of the Republic of Latvia. 1918–1941” (in Latvian, 2005), co-author of six books, author of more than 30 scientific articles and many popular-science articles

Has BA and MA degrees in International Relations from Riga Stradins University. Previously worked in Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia as coordinator of applied research activities on domestic and international level. Main research focus includes analysis of Latvia-Russia relations, as well as the impact of hybrid warfare and disinformation activities on political processes.

Has a master’s degree in political science from University of Latvia. Previous work experience in policy analysis and planning in the Ministry of Defence, working on crisis management and comprehensive national defence issues. Current research interests relate to topics on Baltic states defence and security policy, national resilience and resistance to hybrid threats and analysis of Russia’s foreign policy processes.
Holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in international relations from Riga Stradins University. As an investigative journalist has also improved his professional knowledge by taking part in both local and international projects and courses. Is the recipient of the “IJ4EU Impact Award 2023” for a collaboration done with an investigative outlet based in Ireland “Noteworthy”. Main research interests include the power dynamics in the Southeast Asia region, especially, relationships between India and People’s Republic of China, and security politics.
He received PhD in communication science from University of Latvia in 2012. He is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, and an associated expert at the Washington-based Centre for European Policy Analysis. His current research interests entail Baltic labor migrants in the UK, the ideological polarization of Baltic societies, and Russian-speakers in post-Soviet area. His articles are published by Journal of Baltic Studies, Memory Studies, and Euro-Asia Studies.
Acquired BA in Political Science at Riga Stradins University and continued MA studies in International Relations, European Studies at Maastricht University, Netherlands. Primary research focus concerns the relationship between the European Union and Eastern Neighbourhood countries, in the main, analysing EU-Ukraine political and economic partnership and its influence on the region.

She mastered the specialty of lawyer at the Policy Academy of Latvia, used her knowledge while working for various institutions’ personnel management units resolving the labour legal aspects. Has a five years experience in human resources management. She used her practical competence in theoretical studies, and in 2008 she was granted the professional degree of Master of Personnel Management at Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration. During the period of her studies, she gained additional knowledge in communications, psychology, management, economics.