Kristīne Gulbe (Skujiņa – Trokša)

Acquired BA in Political Science at Riga Stradins University and continued MA studies in International Relations, European Studies at Maastricht University, Netherlands. Primary research focus concerns the relationship between the European Union and Eastern Neighbourhood countries, in the main, analysing EU-Ukraine political and economic partnership and its influence on the region.

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Author's publications

Why Latvia will Continue to be Called a “Second Speed Country”

Kristīne Skujiņa-Trokša, Associate researcher, Centre for East European Policy Studies Mārcis Balodis, Researcher, Centre for East European Policy Studies Like other Russia’s neighbors, Latvian public and the political elite have been serving as a target and audience for a number of years for the flow of information which is Kremlin-friendly but detrimental to Latvia’s democracy, disregarding […]