Dmitry Sidorov: About Repeating Mistakes or How Word Should Be Kept


The Kremlin’s support for sanctions against Teheran has lead some of the opponents to the existing Russia’s regime in the state of confusion, and the “sovereign democracy” supporters have responded by demonstrating slogans “for the wise policy of government”, in the meaning that the policy has forced the President Obama’s Administration to change its plans regarding deployment of missile defence system’s elements in Europe and demand entering of Moscow in the anti-Iranian club.

To my mind, at least two factors played a significant role in the Kremlin’s deed, not tied too much to the missile defence system. Besides, Russia may oppose also the new Obama’s programme on the pretext of the trite argument of the West-posed threat.

The first factor is related to the fact that, disregarding the Moscow’s support (so far just verbal) for stricter sanctions, it would not influence Iran’s plans regarding nuclear weapons. I repeat again that even a real implementation of sanctions would have impact on Iran only after one and a half – two years (and only in case everything goes well with the sanction adoption), but the international community lacks even this time.

Furthermore, Russian government overestimates Moscow’s ability to influence Iran, which, in fact, is close to nil, especially considering that Iran has already received the much needed Russian nuclear technologies. According to my sources, that allows Iran not only developing successfully its nuclear programme in Natanz, Isfahan, Arak and, in fact, complete the NPS in Busher, but also construct a uranium enrichment plant in Kuma.

The US knew about the plant in Kuma long before the G20 meeting in Pittsburgh, even during the presidency of G.Bush not publicizing the information because of his “inclination to keep secrets” or “inherited shyness”.

Thereby neither Moscow, nor the UN Security Council (including or excluding the concerned China still importing oil from Iran) with their sanctions will make the decision on the Iranian issue. Iran itself will tell who will be the decision makers. The Kremlin has repeatedly stated that it would not participate in bombing of Iranian nuclear objects. Instead, it will be enjoying the huge growth of the oil and the related gas prices.

One can conclude that Moscow has helped Iran to maximally approach the stage of production of nuclear weapons, and now, not suffering any losses, it is seemingly joining the civilized part of the world unsuccessfully trying to persuade Iran to refuse suicide.

Second, the valuable freight of “mahogany” has got most probably in the hands of Israeli whom Moscow had promised not to sell S-300 missile defence systems to Iran. The scandal around the “timber carrier” might have taken by surprise also Washington which had assisted the Kremlin in selling of S-400 systems to Saudi Arabia. All that happened after repeated President Medvedev’s announcements that the S-300 system selling to Iran was a strictly commercial issue for Russia at such difficult period of time.

A wish to avoid a major scandal may have stimulated Russia to express its seeming support for anti-Iranian campaign.

However, this possibility is not too plausible, because for some time the Kremlin has ceased to react to the West’s “false accusations”. It should be reminded that the amount of declarations of peaceful intentions and the wish to conclude friendship agreements made by the USSR and its neo-Bolshevik followers run behind of only the volume of lies spread by the pro-Kremlin television and radio channels.

Here are some excerpts of history. In 1955 The US Senate Committee on Judiciary performed an audit of documents to assess the status of execution of unilateral and multilateral agreements. The results include following separate statements:

Committee members conclude that over the period of 38 years since foundation of the USSR it has violated most of its written agreements with the other countries.

It (the USSR) signed nonaggression pacts with neighbouring countries, but later on it engulfed these countries. It promised not to carry out revolutionary activities against the countries with which peace agreements were planned, but the promise was not kept.

It violated the first agreement with the US at the very moment when the Soviet representative Litvinov signed it, and it continues to do so up to this moment (1955).

It violated the Teheran and Yalta agreements with the Western countries.

It violated the agreement with the US on lend-lease which was useful for Stalin in the war against Nazi.

It violated the UN Statutes.

It does not keep its word as such, except the occasions when the Soviet Union has considerable gains.

There exist serious concerns that there have been no other examples in the history of civilization when a large nation in so short period creates so treacherous store.

Let us return to nowadays in order to see whether the situation has changed. Having repeatedly declared its concern about the developments in the Middle East, calling Israel and Palestinians for peace talks, the Kremlin continues its well known Soviet tradition of selling weapons to Syria. The weapons later on in some “mysterious” way get in the hands of Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza Strip. Moscow seems quite surprised.

Having repeatedly announced the nuclear threat posed by nearness of Iran, the Kremlin has not interrupted supplies of technolgies and weapons to Teheran. Russia insists that it is in line with the international law.

Considering the Venezuelan President’s intellectual sophistication and calls to friendship with South America, his close ties with Teheran, terrorist organizations in the Middle East and territorial nearness to the US, the Kremlin provides and would provide him with still more weapons causing instability simultaneously in three regions: South America, North America and Middle East.

Finally, while declaring its loyalty to democratic values, including friendly relations with neighbouring countries, the Kremlin destabilizes situation in Ukraine and Europe (“gas wars”), Moldova, instigates Georgia to use force against the unfriendly country. Furthermore, Moscow takes by military means from Tbilisi a part of the sovereign and the UN recognized territory, keep it by force, ignoring international law, set up and recognize the illegally created states.

The Washington’s expectations regarding keeping of promises by the Kremlin will sooner die than come true. That is because Russia has always tried to compete with the US, which means active destabilizing of situation. It is still the part and particle of Russia’s foreign policy. And the history of the USSR – US and Russia – US relationship is the best example of that.