CEEPS will be presenting a study on the portrayal of international events in Latvian news portals


The Centre for East European Policy Studies will be hosting the presentation of its new book “The Portrayal of International Events by the Internet Media in Latvia”
The book focuses on exploring the content of internet media, both Russian and Latvian, analysing the similarities and differences in the portrayal of international events and processes.

The book presentation event will focus on the most significant and talked-about international events, that have had a wide exposure in the Latvian media space: NATO Warsaw Summit; Russia’s doping scandal and Brexit; migrant crisis in the EU and the annexation of Crimea; Western sanctions against Russia’s politicians and entrepreneurs regarding its aggression in Ukraine. LV Delfi , Rus Delfi , LV Tvnet, Rus Tvnet, LA.lv and Vesti.lv, internet media sites were the subjects of content analysis, regarding all above mentioned cases.

Register for the event until January 31st https://goo.gl/forms/Dfh4tiyJgWHudMIC2 or by writing to: info@appc.lv.

